Kamis, 08 Oktober 2015

The Spring Residences Exhibition

Come and Visit..!!
Our Exhibition at Giant Bintaro

"The Spring Residences" Apartement at Ciputat by PT Gading Development Tbk.

Design Unik & Modern.
Start From 270jt-an.
KPA Dp bisa dicicil 12x, 24x & 36x.
Installment Dp 0% tanpa bunga.
+/- 10 menit dr Giant Bintaro, Stasiun Jurang mangu, & Tol Pd Aren.

Hadiah Langsung :
- Voucher belanja senilai 1jt
- 1 Unit AC 3/4 pk

Hadiah Undian :
- Mobil
- Motor
- dll

Get the Best Our Promotion..!!

Infomasi lebih lanjut hubungi :
Budi Novianto
021- 9962 6600
0853 1167 6600 (wa)
5419DACB (bbm)